5 Mistakes Couples Make in the Bedroom

Many people think once you’re in a relationship, it’s smooth sailing from there. But it’s quite the opposite. Choosing to be with someone has its challenges. It’s not easy balancing work, friends, family, and your partner. That being said, sometimes, your relationship can take a back seat, especially in the bedroom. But don’t worry. Today, I’m going to talk about the 5 mistakes couples make in the bedroom (and how to avoid them).

Lack of foreplay

Earlier in your relationship, the foreplay would last forever. It was passionate and steamy, and you couldn’t get enough of it. But now, the foreplay has faded away, and it’s more penetration-focused.

You don’t want sex to feel like it’s a mission you need to complete. We tend to play down foreplay, yet it’s a crucial part of intimacy as it gives the woman time to warm-up and self-lubricate. Focus on including foreplay into your sex life, and bring back that sexual intimacy you’re missing.

Not talking about sex

You’d be surprised how many couples don’t actually talk about their sex lives together. Your partner can’t read your mind, and vice versa. Maybe there’s something new your partner would like to try. The only way to find out is by talking about it. Sit down with your partner and talk about your sex life together, what areas you need to work on, and how you can improve the experience for the two of you.

Falling into a sexual routine

Now, you don’t need to pull out a book on Tantric sex to make things interesting in the bedroom. It’s really about the small things. If you usually have sex before bed, why not switch it up with a morning quickie? Or have sex in the shower? Some people feel they need to go above-and-beyond to bring back the spiciness in the bedroom. But you don’t need to do a lot to add some new flavor to your sex life. Try new positions, incorporate dirty talk into your intimacy, or bring toys into the mix.

Lack of appreciation

I don’t want to say you don’t appreciate your partner; you probably do. But sometimes, we get a little lazy when it comes to expressing our appreciation. Our lives are busier than ever. We have jobs to go to, events to host, family, and friends to see. And by tend of the day, most of us are plopped on the couch, exhausted and looking to relax. I think everyone can relate.

When we’re busy following the day’s routine, it’s easy to push aside intimacy with our partners. Yes, you have a busy life, but it’s important your daily routine doesn’t determine your relationship. Make time for your partner, and show them you care. Intimacy isn’t always sexual; it can be surprising them with dinner or giving them a back massage. Remember: it’s the small things.

You stopped taking care of yourself

This doesn’t mean you need to be fully waxed or shaven for your partner. We all have our own standard for feeling good, and sometimes we get lazy with ourselves. It’s easy to spend your life wearing sweatpants, but is that when you feel the most confident in?

Putting a little bit of effort into your appearance can significantly change how you feel about yourself. When you feel sexy and confident, sex with your partner will be more freeing, as you have taken control of your feelings. Taking care of yourself isn’t about turning on your partner, though that will happen. It’s about you feeling your best for yourself.

If you feel that your sex life with your partner isn’t where it used to be, that’s okay. The first step is recognizing the problem. Now, you can focus on taking steps to improve your connection and regain a healthy sex life. Reflect on these five mistakes couples make in the bedroom and see the areas where you can improve.


On Key

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