The Break-Up Guide: How to Get Over a Breakup

No one likes going through a break-up, even if it’s one we’re the ones who want to end the relationship. No matter what, whether the relationship was a toxic one or not, you develop a connection with someone. And now, you’re ending that connection. Needless to say, breakups are hard. But what’s important is you […]
The No-Contact Rule: Your Post-Breakup Detox

Do you want to truly detox yourself from your ex? Are you really ready to move on? If so, then it’s time you took charge of your life with the no-contact rule. I want to summarize this for you so you know exactly what the no-contact rule means. The no-contact rule essentially means you’re cutting […]
8 Things to Do to Mend Your Heart After the Break-up

Knowing how you react to a break-up is important, but now it’s time to focus on healing your heart after a break-up. And remember, this is a process. Take everything step-by-step and go at a pace that you’re comfortable with. So here are 8 things to do to mend your heart after the breakup. Give […]
5 Things Your Body Goes Through After a Break-up

Break-ups aren’t a walk in the park. We all know there’s a painful emotional process to go through, but don’t forget about your body. A break-up is more than emotions; it also has physical side effects as well. By knowing what happens, you’ll be able to better connect with yourself and choose the right self-care […]
The Break-up Aftermath: 7 Emotional Stages of Grieving a Break-up

Your relationship just ended, and whether you were blindsided or knew it was coming, now it’s here. There’s no escaping it now. You may be feeling overwhelmed, angry, or deeply sad about the loss of your relationship. After your break-up, you’ll be going through the process of letting go. These are the emotional stages of […]
How to Fix a Relationship After a Fight

Ah yes, a fight. How many of us have gotten into an argument with our partner? Basically, all of us. If you’ve never fought with your partner, something is terribly wrong. Arguments are normal between couples; it’s two people with different wants and needs choosing to be together. Of course, there’s going to be disagreements. […]
5 Mistakes Couples Make in the Bedroom

Many people think once you’re in a relationship, it’s smooth sailing from there. But it’s quite the opposite. Choosing to be with someone has its challenges. It’s not easy balancing work, friends, family, and your partner. That being said, sometimes, your relationship can take a back seat, especially in the bedroom. But don’t worry. Today, […]
When Your Ex Deletes You From Social Media

There’s no greater sting than when your ex deletes you from social media. Whether you were on good terms or not, the moment they decided to unfollow you, it was a blow to the ego. You’re going to unfollow me? Are you serious? I was supposed to be the first to unfollow. You’re not supposed to […]