7 Non-Sexual Things That Make Men Sexy AF to Women

What are the non-sexual things that make a man sexy AF to women? Oh, I know you want to see the answers. Good thing you're about to find out.

We place a lot of pressure (on both men and women) to look, smell, and act “sexy.” But what about the non-sexual things that make men sexy AF to women? Did we forget those?

Because let’s be honest, we’ve all desired that perfect guy, and when they come, there’s usually something missing. Sure, he ticks off all “sexy” boxes, but there’s more to sexiness than just the physical. 

What are the non-sexual things that make a man sexy AF to women? Oh, I know you want to see the answers. Good thing you’re about to find out.

7 Non-Sexual Things That Make Men Sexy AF to Women

You wanna know what the non-sexual things are that make men sexy AF to women? Are you sure you’re ready? Can you handle all this goodness? Okay, let’s do this.

Sexy men are honest  

As a man, you find an honest and open woman sexy, no? So why would it be any different for women?

What’s sexier than a man who knows what he wants and is open about it? If you want a serious relationship, be honest about it. If you’re looking for something casual, say that. 

Nothing is sexier than honesty.

Sexy men are always working on themselves

We all have our baggage – no one is perfect and that’s something we all have to acknowledge and work on. 

A man who recognizes his flaws or issues and wants to improve himself for him is sexy. Women want partners who are the best versions of themselves. 

Sexy men take care of themselves

I think this is fair across the board – you want a partner who cares about themself. They don’t need to go to the gym every day and have a six-pack.

But they take pride in their hygiene, their overall health, and want to live a life that makes them feel good inside and out.

Sexy men aren’t “tough guys”

There’s a time and a place if you want to act the tough guy, but it gets old, especially in relationships.

Embracing your masculine side is sexy AF, don’t get me wrong. But you also have a softer, more vulnerable side that women want to see as well.

Sexy men are intentional

We all have moments where we don’t know what to do with our lives, etc. I’m not saying a man needs to have everything planned out. 

But women love a man that’s intentional. That, when he knows what he wants, he works towards it.

Knowing what he wants can be anything, whether it’s deciding on what he wants to study or the type of lifestyle he wishes to live.

Sexy men have presence

There is nothing sexier than a man who is present. So many women have been on dates where the guy is checking their phone, giving one-worded answers, and isn’t really there. 

A sexy man is a man who can put his phone down and just be. 

Over to You

While we focus so much on looks, at the end of the day, those fade. I know it sounds cheesy, but it’s true.

What really lasts are the qualities that aren’t sexual in nature – these are the things that keeps intimacy in relationships alive.


On Key

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