Guys, Stop Avoiding Condoms. Seriously.

I know, I know - I know fully well what you're thinking. Well, Natasha. It just doesn't feel as good when wearing a condom. Sure, it doesn't. I don't know, I don't have a penis. And while I can empathize that it may not feel as good as it would going bareback, are you not aware of the consequences?

Am I sounding a little bit like your mother? Good! She’s right on this one. I don’t know why I’m surprised – probably because I thought we passed this already. Does there need to be a reminder to wear a condom?

I know, I know – I know full well what you’re thinking. Well, Natasha. It just doesn’t feel as good when wearing a condom. Sure, it doesn’t. I don’t know, I don’t have a penis. And while I can empathize that it may not feel as good as it would going bareback, are you not aware of the consequences? Oh, I know you are. 

I don’t want to sound like this nagging person who won’t stop talking about the importance of wearing a condom. But it’s important. 

In reality, the rates of STIs and HIV have increased globally. In 2019, the CDC found STIs increased by 30%. But that’s not a big deal, right?

Well, it is when less than 20 years ago, the rates of gonorrhea in the U.S. were at historic lows, with syphilis close to elimination. In other words, we almost got rid of some of the worst STIs possible. But they’re making an Adele-level reappearance. 

Nevermind, I’ll find someone like you…

We all know the excuses why you avoid putting on a condom, but in reality, there is no excuse for not taking care of yourself and your partner. 

Firstly, not wearing a condom doesn’t show you respect or love yourself. Why would you put your body at such a risk?

If you genuinely love yourself, then you’ll make sure you don’t put your body in harm’s way. 

Being responsible and making sure you use a condom not only shows self-respect, but shows you respect your partner. Whether it’s a one-night stand or you’re in a casual relationship, you want to make sure you’re both safe while having fun. 

Sure, those couple of seconds of silence while slipping on the condom may be awkward, but I know something worse. 

Imagine this: you think you may have an STI. So, you go to the doctor to get tested. The CDC calls you, tells you that you’re positive and need to contact the people you’ve had sex with. 

Do you really want to call all the people you’ve had sex with to tell them you have an STI? All because you didn’t take the extra three seconds to put on a condom?

Now that’s awkward.

Having sex should be an intimate and fun experience – no one is telling you not to enjoy yourself. Everyone deserves to engage in fulfilling and pleasurable intimacy. But it needs to be consensual and safe. If one person doesn’t want to wear a condom, that’s not practicing consensual and safe sex. And it’s as simple as that. 

So, whether you’re planning on having sex or not, always be prepared. 

Buy a couple of packs of condoms, throw a couple in your wallet or purse – have them around for when you may need them. That way, regardless of whether your partner has a condom or not, you’re taking steps to ensure the sex you have is safe sex. 

And if your partner isn’t interested in protective sex, then you need to think about who you’re sleeping with. If they don’t care about their own body, that’s a red flag. 



On Key

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