How To Increase Intimacy and Connection in the Boudoir

If you want to increase intimacy and connection in the boudoir, here's what you need to do.

Everyone wants to know how to increase intimacy and connection in the boudoir. We’re only human, after all. 

As a relationship writer, I get asked this question a lot. And honestly, there’s no one straight answer or formula I can give you (would be nice though, right?). 

I know, that’s not the answer you were expecting, right? You wanted me to give you all the tips and tricks to increase intimacy and connection in the boudoir.

While there isn’t a formula for this, there are some things you can do with your partner.

How To Increase Intimacy and Connection in the Boudoir

Let’s get started. If you want to increase intimacy and connection in the boudoir, here’s what you need to do.

Step 1: Connect with yourself

Before we can increase intimacy and connection in the boudoir, we need to look at ourselves. Because let’s face it, our past always catches up to us (especially in the bedroom).

For example, my previous relationship, which was abusive, created a defensive wall inside of me. This made it really hard for me to open up to new men.

Of course, when I met Nate, I worked on myself to improve my self-connection. But it’s still a work in progress. 

So, when learning to increase intimacy and connection in the boudoir, you need to start with yourself. What are the challenges and blockages you’re struggling with? What pain are you holding onto?

To connect with your partner, you need to work on yourself first. You can do this by working with a therapist or coach. 

Step 2: Connect with your partner

While you’re working on yourself, spend one-on-one time with your partner. I know your days are busy and you may have children and/or work taking your time, but intimacy needs to be a priority.

Give yourself a date night every week with your partner where it’s just the two of you spending time together.

Step 3: Stop the blame game

It’s easy to point fingers at each other and blame one another for the lack of intimacy in the relationship. 

But that’s not what you’re going to do with your partner. Together, you two need to take responsibility and work towards finding solutions. 

When you stop blaming each other, you can work together as a team. 

Final Thoughts

Learning how to increase intimacy and connection in the boudoir isn’t going to happen overnight. Give you and your partner time to work on it. 

If you’re struggling to increase the intimacy in your relationship, consider intimacy counselling.


On Key

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