I think we’re all really happy 2021 is behind us. Well, I’m half happy. The other half of me is wondering where the year went. I can’t stand that the cliché “time flies” is so true.
But with another year behind us, it’s important to take some time to reflect and see how the new year can be better (I mean, with what we’re able to control).
So, let’s get to it. Here are the 10 ways to make the most of 2022.

10 Ways to Make the Most of 2022
If there’s one thing we can’t do, it’s stop time. So, it’s time for us to step up and use this year to grow into the best version of ourselves. Wow, I’m really throwing on the cheese here, but it’s true!
Here are the 10 ways to make the most of 2022.
Spread love
Haven’t we gone through enough these past couple of years? Haven’t we seen how dividing our world has become? The only way to counter the negative in this world is with the positive. Open yourself to love and spread love wherever you go.
You don’t need a billion dollars to change the world; you change the world with love.
Prioritize resting
I used to think being busy all the time was the way to live. And then Covid came and I was forced to rest. While I was sick on the couch, I realized how much my body needed rest. I didn’t take a day off in two years – it was nuts!
Give your body the rest it needs. Give your mind the rest it needs.
Be open to change and growth
Change is terrifying; let’s be honest. It’s not some effortless transition – it’s usually accompanied by sweat and tears. But that’s part of the process, and that’s what helps you change and grow, the struggle.
If it feels right, take a risk
So many times (and I’m totally included in this), we have great ideas or a “sense” about something and do nothing. We come up with excuses and reasons why we shouldn’t follow through. But if it feels right, take the risk. Step outside of your comfort zone.
Find your unique path to success
We watch all these successful people, listen to their stories, and feel we must follow their formula to reach success. But what we forget is that everyone is different.
There’s no textbook to teach you to be successful. However, you see success, create your own path to it – comparing yourself will only distract you from reaching your goals.
Acknowledge the small victories in life
We will only experience a few large victories in our life, yet that’s all we focus on – the “big” achievements. But every day, we have small victories that we don’t acknowledge. But it’s the small victories that show our daily improvement, so cherish them.
Don’t rush the process, go your own pace
Every year that passes, I think to myself, “oh my god, I’m another year older, and I still haven’t written my book.” I put so much pressure on myself that I haven’t ended up doing it. Instead, I compare myself to other people, which only makes things worse.
Go your own pace. Everyone is on their own journey, and you’re not going to accomplish everything you want today. But you will do it on your own time when it’s right for you.
Align yourself with people who want to grow
In my early twenties, I spent a lot of time hanging around people who enjoyed partying and hanging out until the wee hours of the morning. And for some time, it was fun.
But as the years passed, I realized that I was still in the same spot. I didn’t grow. I wasn’t around people who wanted more. Invest your time in people who want to grow, who want to change. Because you are who you hang out with.
Learn what your boundaries are and align with them
What are your boundaries? Do you know them? If you don’t know your boundaries, you allow other people to cross them or create them for you. And once that happens, you’re no longer in control of your life.
Surround yourself with supportive friends and family
No one lives a fulfilling life alone. We’re human beings – we thrive on social encounters and relationships. Spend time with family and friends who make you feel good, who want you to be your best. That is when you will thrive.
Final Thoughts
The new year is here, and it’s going to fly by fast. So make the most out of the new year by challenging yourself and growing. Even as a self help writer, there are changes I need to make. Are there any other ways to make the most out of 2022?