Ladies, Stop Slapping Guys In The Face

happy woman slapping man

I received an email a couple of weeks ago from a woman who explained to me how she slapped her date across the face at a restaurant – and that he took it. It’s time we talk about it.

Should I Block My Ex On Social Media?

Unfollowing isn’t going the full way. But blocking is. Now if you’ve been asking yourself, should I block my ex on social media, keep reading.

My Ex Says They Changed: Should I Take Them Back?

Everyone wants to hear that the person they love has grown and can now be the partner they always wanted to have. But is it true? Your ex says they changed but did they? Should you take them back?

Should I Text My Ex?

Should I text my ex? The answer isn’t so easy. It really depends on where this urge to text your ex is coming from, determining whether sending your ex a text is the best choice for you.

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