Do’s and Don’Ts of Contacting Your Ex

So, can you contact your ex? Of course, you can. But what’s important is understanding why you want to contact them and if it’s the right choice for you.
7 Non-Sexual Things That Make Men Sexy AF to Women

What are the non-sexual things that make a man sexy AF to women? Oh, I know you want to see the answers. Good thing you’re about to find out.
Victim Mentality: Are You a Victim and How to Deal With It

Yes, you have a victim mentality, but that doesn’t mean you need to live with it for the rest of your life. You can change! I changed and moved past being a victim and so can you. Here’s how to do it.
How to Move Past a Bad Date and Keep Dating

There’s no doubt that going on a bad date sucks and it can discourage you. But I’m here to teach you how to move past a bad date and keep dating.
When Stress Overtakes Sex

No matter what we do to reduce the stress in our lives, some things are simply out of our hands. And what usually happens, is that the stress affects our sex life.
Common Mistakes Made in Long-Distance Relationships

If you’re in a long-distance relationship, the odds are this is your first time going through something like this. And if it is, then it’s important you know the common mistakes made in long-distance relationships and how to avoid them.
Communication Tips for Long Distance Couples You Need to Know

My first long distance relationship with a nightmare. We did everything wrong. But my second long distance relationship was a success and there are some clear reasons why. Luckily, for you, I’m going to share them with you. Here are some real communication tips for long distance couples.
The 4 Types of Intimacy in a Relationship

So, what are the different types of intimacy in a relationship, you ask? I’m about to explain them to you right now. While reading, reflect on your relationship, the odds are you’re already practicing these forms of intimacy.
How to Increase Intimacy in the Bedroom

We tend to equate intimacy with sex, but that’s not the case. Intimacy is more than sex, and sometimes, it has nothing to do with sex at all.
Why You Should Get Naked More Often

Aside from the sexual element it’s tied to, sleeping naked actually comes with a load of health benefits. You don’t need to be in a relationship to reap the fruits of your nudeness.