A Guide to Breaking Up: How to Break up With Someone the Right Way

If breaking up with someone was easy, I wouldn’t be writing this guide. You want to know how to break up with someone and you came to the right place. Even if you’re perfectly aware the relationship isn’t the right one for you, you’re still going to experience feelings of sadness and loss. You shared […]
30 Life Lessons I’ve Learned by 30

I’m thirty-years-old; that’s right. And, of course, I had my momentary crisis where I was thinking to myself, Oh my god, where did all the time go? I still have so much I want to do with my life! But after that, I had the realization that I’ve actually accomplished a lot within my thirty […]
How To Get Over Someone Who Ghosted You

You went on a date with someone, and it went really well. When you got home, they sent you a text, and you two continued talking for days. Then suddenly, it just stopped. You don’t know what happened. You were texting them like you usually do, and they stopped replying. You’ve just been ghosted. Maybe […]
Moving Abroad for Love? Questions To Ask Yourself Before Moving Abroad For Love

Long-distance relationships aren’t a walk in the park. If you’re in an LDR, you know exactly what I mean. There’s a lot of highs and lows, lonely nights, and countdowns until you see your partner once again. It’s really an emotional rollercoaster. Before you make the move, there are some questions to ask yourself before […]
Is Your Partner Moving Abroad for You? 8 Things You Must Know

Moving overseas for your partner is a huge decision to make and a very brave one. Not many people would leave their friends and family to be with their partner. It’s a scary move to make, and you don’t really know if it’ll work out. And that’s a lot of pressure to have on yourself. […]
How to Be More Intimate in Your Relationship

Here’s the thing; when it comes to intimacy, most people think it has to do with sex. You’ll hear people all the time say, “if you want to be more intimate with your partner, just have more sex.” Though sex is a part of intimacy, it’s only a small part. In this article, you’re going to learn […]
Opposites Attract, But Do They Last?

You’ve heard the saying, “opposites attract,” but do they really? Naturally, we tend to gravitate to people who are similar to us, but there’s no textbook when it comes to attraction. Your partner may be the complete opposite of you, but that doesn’t mean the relationship is doomed. Even if you and your partner are […]
My Ex Says They Want to be Friends – Should You Be Friends With Your Ex?

Help! My ex says they want to be friends! Ah yes, being friends with your ex. Let’s be honest; break-ups are hard. No one wants to lose the person they were the closest to. So, we compromise. We say to ourselves, but hey, we can still be friends. And this is where it all goes […]