7 Rituals For Better Sex

We’ve seen it in movies where a couple will be having sex, and someone will yell out, “let’s just get it over with!” Sure, these 7 rituals I’m going to show you will not guarantee a lifetime of better sex; that’s something you’ll need to constantly work on. However, they will help you gain some clarity and reconnect with your partner and yourself on an intimate level.

The title sounds a little spooky, right? Like I’m about to tell you about what potion to make or spells to cast. 

But it’s nothing like that. After being with your partner for a while, it’s easy to get a bit lazy (we’ve all been there) and become somewhat uninterested in the general act of sex. 

We’ve seen it in movies where a couple will be having sex, and someone will yell out, “let’s just get it over with!” 

Sure, these 7 rituals for better sex I’m going to show you will not guarantee a lifetime of better sex; that’s something you’ll need to constantly work on. However, they will help you gain some clarity and reconnect with your partner and yourself on an intimate level. 

See? Not so spooky, right? 

Clean your space

The thought of having to clean your room before and after sex is exhausting, even I must admit.

While this isn’t something you need to do every time you go to have sex, it is something you should keep in mind. 

The space you want to have sex in should feel calm and comfortable. If your clothes are lying everywhere on the floor and your sheets haven’t been washed in weeks, you’re not going to be in the right headspace. 

You won’t feel sexual. 

Take some time to clean the area where you mainly have sex (for most of us, it’s the bedroom). Create a space where you want to have sex in. That’ll help you be present with your partner and truly enjoy sex.

Cleanse your body

Now, I’m not talking about ritual bathing. While that’s been practiced for thousands of years, in today’s world, very few of us have the time to go through a ritual bath before and after sex. And I’ll be honest; it sounds like a lot of work. However, do whatever makes you feel good. 

What I mean by cleansing your body is taking some time before and after sex to remove any stress or toxicity from yourself. Meditate for a couple of minutes, have a shower – whatever helps you. 

Many of us have stressful jobs and lives, so you want to practice getting rid of that negatively, especially before sharing an intimate moment with your partner.

Practice awareness

Many of us don’t realize how our past relationships have affected us. And yet, we bring those past issues into our relationships, causing relationship problems and solutions. It’s ebb and flow.

However, practicing awareness can help you understand your own body, reactions to your partner, and sensations.

Once you know your body, you’ll know how to provide it the pleasure it needs.

Orgasm Meditation and Breathing

No, it’s not cool to fake it. It never was, but women simply didn’t know how to ask for their needs to be met. 

It’s time to get the pleasure you need and deserve. For that, mindful breathing and meditation can help immensely. While stress is a sexual roadblock, meditation and breathing can open that pathway up.

Here’s how to practice orgasm mediation:

  • Synchronize your breath with your partner.
  • Practice “orgasm breathing” – here’s a YouTube video to guide you through it.

Give and receive sensual massages

Who doesn’t like getting a massage? Okay, I admit, I prefer getting than receiving (oh, I know I’m not the only one here).

Massage can be a powerful tool to help you connect with yourself and your partner.

Tantric massage can help release stress and toxins in your body while increasing self-love and care. Try a pelvic floor massage or a nipple massage.

Try out tantric sex

You may have heard about Tantric Sex but never considered trying it out yourself. Well, now’s the time! 

Tantric sex is part of a spiritual belief system called Tantra. It’s based on the idea of opening the pathways within the body, connecting beyond the self. It’s used in all aspects of life, including sex.

Click here for the best books to read about tantra and sexuality.

Cuddle after sex

It’s so typical that after sex, we get up, have a shower and continue with our day. This is mistake many couples make. But penetration isn’t the only part of sex. 

After having sex, lay together. Embrace one another. Share your feelings and experiences. Take this time to connect emotionally and mentally. 

While our world pushes us to be fast, after sex, slow down and enjoy the remaining part of the sexual experience.

Final Thoughts

Try adopting these seven rituals for better sex and not only will you feel more connected with your partner, but you’ll feel more connected with yourself.


On Key

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