What To Say At The End Of A Disaster Date

Many bad dates are coming from a lack of connection or being polar opposites from one another.
So, how do you end a disaster date? How do you end a date with someone you pray you’ll never have to see again?

How To Make A Long Distance Relationship Last

Long-distance relationships are hard, but not impossible. Take it from me. Now, me and Nate are on our fourth year together, living under the same roof after starting as a long-distance relationship. So, how did we make it work?

Why Couples Should Cuddle After Sex

That sex afterglow doesn’t come from trying 25 positions or trying out a new toy, though it may be fun. Sex is only one part of the equation, the other is intimacy. 

Long Distance Relationship: Worth The Risk?

Whenever you commit to a relationship, you’re going into it with the intention for it to last. You have feelings for that person, you invest time and energy into the relationship, so you want a positive outcome. Yet, there’s always a risk that the relationship will end.

How To Celebrate The Holidays As An Interfaith Couple

The holidays. What seems like a joyous celebration for most couples can become a logistical nightmare for interfaith couples. So how can you make it work with two different families celebrating two different religions?

What Does It Mean When He Stops Using Condoms

Why don’t men want to wear a condom? And what does it mean when he doesn’t want to use a condom during sex? While you may think it’s a compliment, that’s not the case. With the rise in STIs and stealthing, it’s time to talk about it.

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