The Better Sex Guide: Boost Your Libido

Your sex drive will fluctuate naturally throughout your life. It’s normal. However, if you’re stressed, your sexual needs and relationship can suffer. Here are some activities you can do with your partner or solo to have better sex. The best sex is good sex. If you want a printable version of The Better Sex Guide, […]

Dating After a Breakup: 8 Things You Need To Do

dating after a break up

As someone who wants to work on themselves and process the breakup, you read The Break-Up Guide and took the time to process the breakup and think about what you want in your future. Whether it took months or years to process, you feel you’re now ready to move forward and start dating after a breakup. This is […]

Starting Fresh: Post-Break Up Guide

man and woman sitting at outdoor table drinking coffee

You broke up with your ex sometime ago, and you’ve gone through the grieving process and learned more about what you want in your future relationship. You’ve taken the right steps forward so that you can enter a new relationship without unprocessed baggage – and that’s an important step. But now it’s time to take […]

30 Life Lessons I’ve Learned by 30

freelance dating and intimacy writer

I’m thirty-years-old; that’s right. And, of course, I had my momentary crisis where I was thinking to myself, Oh my god, where did all the time go? I still have so much I want to do with my life! But after that, I had the realization that I’ve actually accomplished a lot within my thirty […]

How To Get Over Someone Who Ghosted You

black man sitting on wall staring down at phone intensely

You went on a date with someone, and it went really well. When you got home, they sent you a text, and you two continued talking for days. Then suddenly, it just stopped. You don’t know what happened. You were texting them like you usually do, and they stopped replying. You’ve just been ghosted. Maybe […]

Moving Abroad for Love? Questions To Ask Yourself Before Moving Abroad For Love

woman standing at airport

Long-distance relationships aren’t a walk in the park. If you’re in an LDR, you know exactly what I mean. There’s a lot of highs and lows, lonely nights, and countdowns until you see your partner once again. It’s really an emotional rollercoaster. Before you make the move, there are some questions to ask yourself before […]

The No-Contact Rule: Your Post-Breakup Detox

Do you want to truly detox yourself from your ex? Are you really ready to move on? If so, then it’s time you took charge of your life with the no-contact rule. I want to summarize this for you so you know exactly what the no-contact rule means. The no-contact rule essentially means you’re cutting […]

8 Things to Do to Mend Your Heart After the Break-up

Knowing how you react to a break-up is important, but now it’s time to focus on healing your heart after a break-up. And remember, this is a process. Take everything step-by-step and go at a pace that you’re comfortable with. So here are 8 things to do to mend your heart after the breakup. Give […]

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