If you google right now, how to know if you’re in the right relationship, I bet you there’ll be hundreds of articles showing you an endless amount of signs and tips.
- 30 signs to know you’re with the one
- 100 ways to tell if they’re the love of your life
I’m sorry, but it’s all bullshit. I know maybe that’s not what you want to hear from me. We all love signs. We all love going through the list, ticking off the boxes one after another. But that’s not the way life works.
When you’re in a relationship, even a healthy and happy one, all the boxes aren’t going to be checked. There will always be something you want to improve in your relationship or something that annoys you about your partner. We’re human.
However, when it comes to knowing if you’re with the right partner, I can tell you that you already know. You know. Now, you’re probably thinking, okay, but that’s easier said than done, Natasha. Is it? What’s shocking to me is the strength you need to stay in a relationship that doesn’t serve you. Now that’s hard. So how to know if you’re in the right relationship?
There are four areas of the body that you need to tap into:
- Sex zone – does this person turn you on? Is there sexual energy between you two?
- Stomach – what does your gut tell you?
- Heart – is there a deep connection?
- Head – what’s the voice inside your head telling you?

These are the four areas you need to check in with – they’ll tell you everything you need to know about your relationship. If everything is pointing to a positive yes, as in, yes I feel good around them, yes they turn me on, yes there is a deep connection, and the voice inside my head is saying yes, then you’re in the right relationship.
If there’s a no to one of these areas, then you need to reevaluate your relationship. Your sex zone, head, heart, and stomach all need to sync together and say yes for a healthy and monogamous relationship that is full of connection and growth.
I think we’ve all been in relationships where our heart may say yes, but our stomach and head says no. We don’t want to give up, we push and push in hopes of making things work. And you know what happens in the end, it doesn’t work out.
If you’re seeing a girl/guy and deep down your intuition is saying they’re not the one, your body is telling you the truth and you need to listen. If not, you’re going against what you already know. You know this person isn’t for you, so why don’t you listen?
Listening to your body, especially when you want this person is hard. It’s fucking hard. Trust me on that. I’ve been through heartbreak, most of it my own doing, because I wouldn’t listen to my intuition or my heart. I pushed my truth and needs to the side in hopes of something changing and it never did.
Through my own experience and relationship writing, the best and healthiest relationships come from all areas of your body saying yes. If there’s doubt, check it out.
Enough with the endless signs and tips. How to know if you’re in the right relationship? It’s time to check in with yourself because you have the answers to everything, you simply need to look within to find them.
With relationship and dating writing most of the answers come down to you. A lot of pressure, right? But don’t see it like that. This is your life and you get to decide how you want to live it. So, when figuring out how to know if you’re in the right relationship, look within.