What does it mean to be in a complicated relationship?

complicated relationship

Do you find yourself in a “complicated relationship?” Are you this close to changing your relationship status to complicated? I think we’ve all been there. But what does it mean to be in a complicated relationship? Sure, there may be intimacy in a relationship, but a good relationship needs more than that.

7 Ways Social Media Is Ruining Relationships

The odds are, you’re probably reading this on your phone. Is that a bad thing? Of course, not. But during the day, you’ve probably checked your Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts multiple times. You could say it’s become a crucial part of your day. But is social media ruining your relationship?

10 Tips for Building a Healthy Relationship with Your Partner

man hugging woman

We all want to have a healthy relationship with our partner, but it’s easier said than done. Being in a healthy relationship takes a lot of work and self-reflection. But if you’re reading this, then you’re willing to put in the effort. Here are 10 tips to improve intimacy in a relationship. Have realistic expectations […]

How important is physical intimacy in a relationship?

Most couples place a lot of importance on physical intimacy—and I’m just talking about sex.  Physical intimacy involves touch like massage, hand-holding, cuddling, and caressing. It can be as small as resting your head on your partner’s shoulder during a movie.  While there are specific relationships that thrive off of limited physical intimacy, most couples need it.  […]

Tips to Spend More Quality Time with Your Partner

If you live with your partner, you see them everyday. They’re the first person you see in the morning and the last person you see before going to sleep. Yes, you see them a lot, but that doesn’t mean you’re spending enough quality time together.

6 Ways to Increase Physical Intimacy in Marriage

For many people, physical intimacy in marriage fades away. You have kids, work, and family, which chips away at your marriage. Many couples complain that the passion escapes their marriage, and things start to feel stale. However, you can bring back the physical intimacy in marriage. It’s just going to take some work. The Importance […]

Helpful Tips to Grow Emotional Intimacy in Marriage

We all seek intimacy. We all want to feel closeness to another person. But how do we develop and nurture intimacy in a relationship? Well, that’s a good question. If you feel your relationship or marriage lacks emotional intimacy, you’re going to learn how to foster it in your relationship. What intimacy isn’t Before we […]

How to Increase Physical Intimacy in Marriage During a Pandemic

If there’s one thing we didn’t expect to happen was the pandemic. For couples around the world, they were confronted with new challenges. Some couples are navigating their way through spending 24/7 with their partner, while other couples try to maintain their relationship amidst financial stress. The pandemic’s stress has greatly affected their intimacy, so […]

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